Utility Solutions

Clients & Projects

Clients & Projects

We are a specialist provider, working with clients who require a bespoke service over the standardised solutions of large utility companies.

We pride ourselves on delivering bespoke solutions to commercial property developers, data centre owners and operators and blue chip, end-user companies and organisations.

Our focus is on the procurement and management of the utility elements of high capacity and mission and business-critical developments in the commercial, data centre, and other blue chip end-user companies. For further details of some of the projects we have worked on select Our Projects or our Case Studies

For a comprehensive list of our clients, see below:

  • Data Centres & other Business Critical
    Contractors & Consultants
    Aegus Data Store Ltd
    Buildability Ltd
    Ark Data Centres Cruden Construction General
    Galileo Connect
    HBG Construction
    Volta Data Centres
    Hurley Palmer Flatt
    Iomart ISG
    Sentrum Power Efficiency
    Tre Global
    City Commerical
    Dandara Ltd London Stock Exchange
    Infinity MBNA
    Lasercharm/Camro Apple
    Westbrook Properties
    RBS Gogarburn
    Portal Ltd
    Perivale Data Centres
    5nines Visa
    GVA Excel

    Commerical & Development

    Morgan Stanley
    Barteak Development
    Local Authority
    Beetham Cambridgeshire CC
    British Land
    Dandara Ltd
    Hillside Housing Action Trust (HAT)
    European Land and Property Ltd
    Kent PFI Schools
    Gallan Properties National Skills Council
    Graftongate Developments Ltd Stonebridge Housing Action Trust
    Hill Partnerships Welsh Assembly Government
    Miller Developments Widnes Regeneration Ltd
    PMB Holdings Worcester Rugby Club
    Stoford Developments
    The Strand Property Unit Trust Generation
    Wharfside Regeneration Ltd Balfour Beatty Investments
    Powermode /Sellar Properties 20C
    Helix Property Plutus Powergen
    Fulcrum Energy

Galileo Connect